On May 16th, Shelby Seniors received thousands of dollars in scholarships and a significant amount came from The Shelby Foundation. Through the generosity of donors and through 32 different scholarship funds housed at the Foundation, $115,000 in scholarships were awarded to district graduates.

Carrie Kemerer, director, stated, “No other school district in the area provides this kind of financial support to graduating seniors. Year after year, it is inspiring to see the financial aid donors provide to students. In most circumstances, our donors don’t even know who these students are but want to help them as they navigate higher education.”

Scholarship recipients are determined by selection committees usually comprised of fund representatives, community leaders, and educators. Each scholarship has its own criteria for candidate selection with most based on academic merit, financial need, community involvement, career choice, and extracurricular activities. The high school’s guidance office manages the scholarship application and recipient selection process. No Shelby Foundation board member or staff serve on a selection committee.

Congratulations to the graduating class of 2024. The Shelby Foundation wishes all of you a brighter tomorrow!

Scholarship funds are a beautiful way to honor or remember a loved one. For more information on establishing a scholarship fund or about the Foundation, call 419-342-3686.